Indian Navy To Focus On Soldiers Manpower, Operational Assets

With its force levels set to increase by at least 15 per cent over the next five years, the Indian Navy is to focus on developing its operational and technical infrastructure, apart from manpower growth.

With its force levels set to increase by at least 15 per cent over the next five years, the Indian Navy is to focus on developing its operational and technical infrastructure, apart from manpower growth.

"The navy continues to maintain focus on development of operational and technical infrastructure, as the force levels increase," Indian Navy chief Admiral Nirmal Verma told his commanders at the concluding session of their five-day biannual commanders conference here Friday.

"Discussions during the conference, lasting over three days, focused on a range of issues relevant to the navy's preparedness and plans to develop a definitive road map for the future. The plans for the navy's growing role in the Indian Ocean region were also discussed during the conference," a press release said.

The existing manpower 50,000 men and 8,000 officers is expected to increase by at least 15 percent to help operate the planned warship and other platform acquisitions.

The navy already has around 40 warships and battle vessels on order with both Indian and foreign shipyards, including an indigenous aircraft carrier, Kolkata class destroyers, Shivalik class frigates, Corvettes and Scorpene submarines, that will be inducted in the next five years.

These apart, the navy's infrastructure too will increase with opening of a major naval base at Karwar on the West coast, new forward naval bases, operational turnaround bases and naval air enclaves at Tuticorin, Kamarta, Diglipur, Campbell Bay, Paradip and other coastal towns of the mainland and island territories of Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep.

"The primary challenge confronting the navy was to balance its resources and building human capital and a requisite strategy so as to be responsive to the full spectrum of operations," Verma said at the conference.

"The aviation arm of the navy is set to grow in the years ahead," he said, noting that the induction of the 16 MiG-29K naval combat aircraft for INS Vikramaditya (erstwhile Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier) from Russia had already started and the first flight of American major Boeing's P8I maritime patrol aircraft, eight of which were bought in 2009, taking place in September this year.

The P8I is "on schedule" for its induction in 2013, Admiral Verma added.

The naval chief said that progress had been made in the last few months in the induction of ships with contracts for five offshore patrol vessels, two cadet training ships, eight amphibious landing craft and fast interceptor craft being concluded.

He also highlighted the progress made in various plans and programmes for the modernisation of the navy and the initiatives and new schemes introduced for the promotion and welfare of sailors and their families.

The navy has been performing its traditional tasks and missions entrusted, which include overseas deployments, intra-navy exercises, bilateral exercises with friendly foreign countries and presence-cum-surveillance missions in the Indian Ocean region, with a view to discharge its role as the net security provider in the maritime domain in its area of operations.

http ://www.defencenews. in/defence-news-internal.asp?get=new&id=753

Stay Away from Pakistan occupied Kashmir India warns China

India has upped the ante against Chinese activities in Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

A few months ago, when China sent a diplomatic protest (demarche) to India regarding proposed oil and gas exploration in the South China Sea off Vietnam, India had refused to entertain it. Instead, in its reply, India told China that it should stop its activities in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK).

In fact, India has followed up its criticism with another strongly worded representation to China, issued a few weeks ago, asking it to stop its activities in PoK. India said Pakistan was in illegal occupation of that part of Kashmir and Chinese activities were in contravention of international norms. In Vietnam, India's ONGC and Petro Vietnam are in a joint venture in oil exploration in the South China Sea. India bought BP's assets in the project after it exited in 2006.

India has particular concerns on two infrastructure projects by China in PoK: the Diamer-Bhasha dam and upgradation of the Karakoram Highway. While China has insisted that these are all civilian in nature, India remains concerned that the Chinese presence here poses a security threat. In 2010, foreign minister SM Krishna told his Chinese counterpart that Kashmir was a "core" issue for India in the way that Tibet and Taiwan were "core" issues for China. This was in response to the stapled visas that China issues to Indian citizens from Jammu and Kashmir.

Answering questions in Rajya Sabha last month, the foreign ministry had said, "Government is aware that China is executing infrastructure projects in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. Government has raised this issue with the Chinese side and has clearly conveyed India's consistent position that Pakistan has been in illegal occupation of parts of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir since 1947. Government has conveyed its concerns to China about their activities in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, and asked them to cease such activities."

During a recent visit to China by Pakistan president Asif Zardari, he took along the PM and other notables from PoK even to Xinjiang. This was accepted without question by the Chinese authorities. Given that China issues stapled visas to Indians from J&K on the grounds that it was "disputed", the Chinese silence on the PoK presence in the Zardari delegation was interpreted as meaning that China considered PoK a legitimate part of Pakistan. This would be double standards, said Indian officials.

In April 2011, the Northern Army commander, Lt Gen KT Parnaik, had said at a seminar, "Chinese presence in Gilgit-Baltistan and the Northern Areas is increasing steadily... There are many people who are concerned about the fact that if there was to be hostility between us and Pakistan, what would be the complicity of Chinese. Not only they are in the neighbourhood but the fact is that they are actually present and stationed along the LoC."

It's unlikely that China will back off from its PoK presence, just as it will be difficult for India to do so in the South China Sea as well. China pushed matters there recently by harassing an Indian ship in the waters. This prompted India to clearly articulate its position that it considered South China Sea to be international waters and that India stood for freedom of navigation in these waters.

http ://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes. com/2011-09-16/india/30164512_1_stapled-visas-karakoram-highway-china-issues

Vietnam under pressure from China to cancel oil deal with India

Ongoing parley between Vietnam's communist party head Nguyen Phu Trong and Chinese leaders clearly suggest that Beijing is pressuring Hanoi to cancel its oil exploration deal with India for joint exploration of the disputed areas in South China Sea.

The official Xinhua news agency said Sunday leaders of both countries have agreed that they will not "allow any hostile force to destroy the relations". They also promised to hold "frequent communication and dialogue on the maritime issues".

"Both sides will seek steady progress in negotiations regarding the maritime demarcation of the bay mouth of the Beibu Gulf (Gulf of Tonkin) and discuss the joint development of the sea area," Xinhua quoted an official statement as saying about the disputed area.

A newspaper affiliated to the Communist Party on Sunday went a step ahead saying India was risking its own energy security.

"Challenging the core interests of a large, rising country for unknown oil at the bottom of the sea will not only lead to a crushing defeat for the Indian oil company, but will most likely seriously harm India's whole energy security and interrupt its economic development," China Energy News, a publication of the People's Daily, which bellowed to the Communist Party said.

The paper actually warned Indian companies saying they "must not enter into the disputed waters of the South China Sea".

China is showing signs of a comedown from its earlier stand rejecting Vietnam's claim to ownership of the disputed island on the South China Sea altogether. It is now ready to talk on the details of the dispute.

Hanoi is clearly caught in a difficult jam because cancelling an exploration contract with India can have repercussions on its oil deals with companies from other countries, sources said. But resisting pressures from China, which is a major trade partner, is not going to be easy. Besides, Beijing is expected to come up with some economic sweeteners as well.

An Indian ship traveling towards the Vietnam coast was recently ordered over radio to leave the area. There is still no confirmation that the radio message came from the Chinese navy, Indian officials sources said.

China claims sovereignty over essentially all of the South China Sea. This has resulted in an overlap with claims of Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Brunei and Malaysia.

http ://timesofindia.indiatimes. com/world/rest-of-world/Vietnam-under-pressure-from-China-to-cancel-oil-deal-with-India/articleshow/10379957.cms

United Kingdom held secret briefing for India on missiles in Libyan war

At a time when NATO forces were destroying the bases of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Britain gave a secret presentation to the Indian Air Force (IAF) about the performance in the Libyan war of MBDA missiles, which have been offered to New Delhi.

"A presentation was given to the Indian Air Force two months ago where senior officers including the present chief (Air Chief Marshal N A K Browne) were present, about the performance of the Brim Stone precision guided missile," Frank Morgan, a senior MBDA executive, told a group of Indian reporters here.

MBDA is a four-nation European missile manufacturing consortium and has its facilities spread across Italy, the UK, France and Germany.

The Brim Stone precision guided missile is part of the MBDA's missile package on offer to the IAF for its tender for procuring 126 medium multirole combat aircraft (M-MRCA).

Morgan said the presentation to the IAF was made by Air Commodore E Stinger, the Air Component Commander of the Royal Air Force at the Air Headquarters in New Delhi.

The IAF is in the final stages of the contract for procuring the aircraft and is also looking to finalise the missiles to be equipped on them.

India has shortlisted two European aircraft manufacturers for the tender -- the four-nation Eurofighter and the French Rafale -- after holding extensive trials of six aircraft such as American F-16 and F/A-18 E/F, Russian MiG 35 and Swedish Saab Gripen.

http: //www.indianexpress. com/news/uk-held-secret-briefing-for-india-on-mis.../860586/

Super Black Cat commandos by 2015, says Indian Special Force NSG chief

India's elite counter-terrorism force, the National Security Guard (NSG) will have Super Black Cat commandos after the force's modernisation by the end of 2015, its chief said Sunday. "The NSG is working on a five-year plan to provide best technology and training to our commandos. NSG, presently one of the best special forces in the world, will get a new face," said NSG Director General Rajan Medhekar.

The commandos will be able to retaliate more effectively in the coming years, he told media persons after NSG's 27th Raising Day ceremony here. On the "super commandos", Medhekar said: "After modernisation, the commandos will be much better equipped with the latest weaponry. Every commando will be a unit in himself".

"The Black Cat will carry global positioning system (GPS), body wearable computers, automatic cameras, self-care medication and so on with him. The commander giving directions to commando on the task would be able to see him in action," he said.

Medhekar said NSG is sharing training and technology with world's best agencies from France, Israel, Germany and other countries. "In future, we have plans to perform this training with (US) FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and the Special Forces," he added.

The NSG is now equipped with remote control improved explosive device (RCIED) bomb jammer also. The jammer vehicle's key was handed over to Major Ashok Yadav, bomb squad incharge of NSG, by union Minister of State for Home, Mullapally Ramachandran, who was the chief guest at the function. "The jammer is effective in the range of up to 100 meters. By getting this, the force can more powerfully counter terrorism," said Medhekar.

http ://www.dnaindia. com/india/report_super-black-cat-commandos-by-2015-says-nsg-chief_1599770